The Revengerists Consortium of Stuff Wiki

Bossman is an arrogant dumbass with no theory of mind and no people skills who cannot imagine that anyone could think differently from him or that he could be wrong. He's the most benignly evil character in The Revengerists Omniverse. Notable for his micromanagement, gross incompetence, obliviousness to his surroundings, innapropriate comments, and unhelpful buzzword usage; yet somehow retains power in the workplace. Little is known about Bossman's origin, except he was from a big-name company, and gets paid top-dollar.

Super Powers

  • Finger-Pointing
  • Hierarchal Fuckery
  • Buzzword
  • Nose-brownening
  • Money-Have

Bossman's evil powers, while granted by the Peter Principle or the Dilbert Principle, are greatly enhanced by the Snafu Principle, and rooted deeply in the ignorance and complete inability to do any form of manual or intellectual labor. Because of Buzzword, Money-Have, and Finger-Pointing Bossman is the most powerful character in The Omniverse.
